Monday, December 9, 2013

Catching Up!

Really meant to update you all right after school, but I forgot!  Well, bedtime is better than not at all!  We talked about report cards today and I explained to the kids what all the different letters and numbers mean.  I also realized that some of the reading levels you see may be one or two lower than what has come home in bookbags.  I tried to get report cards done early, so some of them are now ahead of the reported reading level.  Also, the report card only allows even levels after 4. 

Just a couple reminders:
Please send back both permission slips that were in take home folders today.  We are super excited about our Polar Express Fun Day and our Holiday Party. 

Now, about today!!  One of our favorite things was practicing short vowel words during learning lab.  We also liked learning about keeping ourselves healthy.  In math, we are continuing addition and subtraction fluency.  It has become a little redundant, so we're going to start mixing it up with some holiday themed math work, too. 

Here are a couple photos from last week.

We used dice and rolled to practice reading short vowel words.

These boys worked all indoor recess to create this masterpiece.  They begged me to take a picture.  What a great example of what happens when we work together!

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