Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Holiday Party!

A few pictures from our Christmas party!  We had a lot of fun.  Thanks again to all the parents who donated items to us!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reindeer, day two!

Today, we continued to learn about reindeer.  Your child wrote two facts about reindeer, so feel free to ask him/her what they remember.  As a special treat, we ended our day with Rudolph. 

Tomorrow (Wednesday!), I asked the kids to wear green if they would like as a hint as to what... or who... we will be reading and learning about.

Wear GREEN Wednesday!
Holiday Party Friday (Please send in your donated items)  Thanks!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Reindeer, day one!!

Aiden: We did math and calendar.
Mason: We learned about reindeer.
Cyrus:  In word work, we put the reindeer's names in order.
Abbi: At recess, we played with blocks.
Rylie: We wrote a story about reindeer.
Summer: We did music.  We did a cool activity with cool sticks that attach to ribbons and swirled them.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Polar Express Fun Day and Goodbyes!

We had a very successful Polar Express Fun Day today.  We learned in our pajamas!  We did some math this morning, watched the movie, wrote our numbers to 120 in learning lab, completed our spelling test, sequenced important events from The Polar Express, started an activity packet based on the book and movie, and even had time to have a mini goodbye party for Miss Brown!  Whew!  It was like a whirlwind!!  Today was Miss Brown's last day as our practicum student.  We will miss her greatly and wish her luck! 

Here is a picture of us with her this afternoon:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Polar Express Fun Day!

Reminder that tomorrow is Polar Express Fun Day.  Your child can wear his/her pajamas if they'd like and be ready for a fun day of Polar Express activities and the movie.  DON'T FORGET- we still have a spelling test!  We also will hopefully go out for recess, so bring/wear warm clothes as well!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Catching Up!

Really meant to update you all right after school, but I forgot!  Well, bedtime is better than not at all!  We talked about report cards today and I explained to the kids what all the different letters and numbers mean.  I also realized that some of the reading levels you see may be one or two lower than what has come home in bookbags.  I tried to get report cards done early, so some of them are now ahead of the reported reading level.  Also, the report card only allows even levels after 4. 

Just a couple reminders:
Please send back both permission slips that were in take home folders today.  We are super excited about our Polar Express Fun Day and our Holiday Party. 

Now, about today!!  One of our favorite things was practicing short vowel words during learning lab.  We also liked learning about keeping ourselves healthy.  In math, we are continuing addition and subtraction fluency.  It has become a little redundant, so we're going to start mixing it up with some holiday themed math work, too. 

Here are a couple photos from last week.

We used dice and rolled to practice reading short vowel words.

These boys worked all indoor recess to create this masterpiece.  They begged me to take a picture.  What a great example of what happens when we work together!

Friday, December 6, 2013


I'm so sorry we have not been good at posting this week!  We've been struggling to get ready at the end of the day with all our winter gear.  Hopefully we will do better next week!

Remember to read books that come home in bookbags over the weekend.  PLEASE return bookbags on Mondays.  Please return take home folders each day.  Thank you!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In Our Classroom!

Today I asked  students what their favorite thing today was.  Here are our answers:

Cyrus- letters to Santa
Ally- using foam in art
Jaycee- art
Rylie-  taking away in math
Abbi- snack
Aiden- learning about being respectful during Cougar Cub Time
Kaden- snack
Douglas- we had tuna sandwiches in lunch
Alexis- using whisper phones in reading

Monday, December 2, 2013


Snow is here!  I am very impressed with all the kids who were prepared to play in the snow.  As you can see from the photo, our coathooks know that winter is here to stay!

If you would like your child to leave his/her snowpants here, please let them know.