Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Over... :(

Such a sad, but predictable day!  This has been a great class.  I have loved every minute of watching them learn and grow up.  I will miss them next year.  Not only will they not be in my classroom, but they are also moving to Academy Hill.  I won't even get to check on them in the halls!  One final picture of most of us at the end of Beach Day last week...

Good luck class of 2014!  I  will miss you!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


We had a great beach day!  A little sad about the dreary rain and some events were changed to inside, but we made it work!  Here are some pictures for you.  If it wasn't so slow to upload, I would share more!  Thanks for the donation of a t-shirt or money to purchase one.  The kids loved the tie-dying.

 Beach ball fun!

 Coconut bowling- she was really aiming!

So happy!

 Creating a beach mural

 Tie-dying our shirts

Trying to stay dry and clean... really!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Important End of Year Dates!

Don't Forget...

Wednesday, June 11- We will meet our next year's teacher in the afternoon.

Thursday, June 12- First Grade BEACH DAY!

Friday, June 13- Cushing School FUN DAY!

Monday, June 16- Last day of school.  Dismissal is at Noon!


Friday, June 6, 2014

Same work... Different Place!

Thought I'd share a few pics of us working on our writing outside this week.  After we got over the initial distractions, it was a fun change of scenery!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome to 2014!

Had to share the funniest moment today!  When starting our lesson about letter writing I asked, "Why do we write letters?"

Student response: "Because our cell phone battery is dead??"

Thought I was going to die laughing!  Out of the mouths of babes... :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Enjoying School!

What did you enjoy today??

Rylie: Writing because we got to write name poems.
Jacob: I liked gym at Academy.  It was just a gym, not the art or music room.
Douglas: I liked the life cycle practice.  We got to color. 
Ally:  Calendar because I was really into it today!
Summer:  Recess because we got to do fun things like play with play dough.
Aiden: I liked writing time.  We wrote about ourselves.
Alexis: In reading we got to read.  I liked my book.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Catch Up!

I'm so sorry!  We have been terrible at updating you!  Now that the weather is nice, we've enjoyed going outside for a few extra minutes at the end of the day a couple of times this week.  So, what have we been up to?  A LOT!  End of the year assessments are coming, and some already here!  We did our writing prompt this week.  The math assessment will be done by the end of next week.  I'll be doing reading assessment the week of Memorial Day.  We've been working so hard to get prepared.  Reading, reading, and more reading! 

Right now, the students are working on  They really love this!  Some of them are reading books, some are doing math examples.  If you have time and access at home, it's a great way to practice skills.

We have a lot of things going on from now until the end of school.  We will try better to fill you in!  Until then, enjoy the warm weather and get out to play :)

Evidence that we've been reading a lot and using our SmartBoard to practice place value.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What We Did Today at School

What did we do today?
We had music.
We did the life cycle of a butterfly.
We did writing.
We had recess outside.
We had snack.
We had lunch.
We did a sprint today that was missing numbers.
We counted our sticks for good behavior.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"The Easy Things"

Our question:  What was easy for you today?

Caleb- Coloring our retelling animals for the House for Hermit Crab.
Aiden- In math, we made numbers with quick tens and dots.
Douglas- In art, we did details on our oceans and skies.
Ally- Practicing our spelling words.
Rylie- Eating my snack.
Mason- In math, the linking cube train problem.
Abbi- In art, my friends and I made a gift for Mrs. Gagnon.
Cyrus- Making number bonds in math.
Jaycee- Passing the ball with Miss B (greeting).
Alexis- In art, we made designs.
Summer- Having recess.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Fun Day at School

We decided to answer a different question today:
What did you do today that was fun?

Douglas- In art we glued tissue paper onto a light brown paper.
Ally- A math bunny job- adding and coloring peeps.
Cyrus- Jelly bean word reading
Aiden- In reading, we had to retell the story of Possum's Harvest Moon.
Caleb- Making words with the plastic easter eggs.
Alexis- I liked writing numbers in math, drawing pictures, and writing the number bond.

We've been filling a flower for good behavior.  We have three more petals left!!  We decided to have an ice cream party and some fun math activities when we're finished.  It will be a fun day!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We LOVE School!

Today we answered the question:  What happened at school?

Alexis: Miss B came to visit.
Summer: We had outside recess in the parking lot.
Cyrus: In art, we made snakes.
Caleb: We did handwriting.
Kaden: We learned about frogs and fish in reading.
Aiden: In handwriting, we copied sentences about bones and shells.
Abbi: In writing, we learned to fix our mistakes.
Rylie: With Miss B, we learned to be kind to our enemies.
Jaycee:We did writing.
Ally: Today at lunch I had chicken noodle soup. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Busy Day

Today we learned:
Rylie: plant life cycle
Alexis: about bigger numbers and their tens and ones
Douglas: we learned how to put a story in order
Mason: how to make x's